Traditional Meets Digital: Managing Your Susu Group with Ease

The Classic Susu Tracker

Are you part of a close-knit Susu group? 

Tired of juggling paper records and manual calculations? 

Look no further! My Classic Susu Tracker Spreadsheet brings the best of both worlds: traditional Susu practices and modern convenience.


  • Simple Interface: Familiar columns for member names, contribution amounts, and rotation cycles.
  • Automated Calculations: Let the spreadsheet handle the math—no more headaches!
  • Printable Records: Need hard copies? Print out your Susu records effortlessly.

Why Choose the Classic Susu Tracker?

  • Time-Tested: Based on the tried-and-true Susu system.
  • User-Friendly: Even Susu beginners can use it effectively.
  • Affordable: A small investment for big savings.

Download/copy the Classic Susu Tracker Spreadsheet today and keep your Susu group organized!

SUSU-TRACKER Version 1 Introduction:

This spreadsheet consists of a single sheet, spanning from Column A to Column Q. Here’s what each column represents:

Column A: Enter the names of all the participants.

Columns B and C are automatically generated. Here’s what they represent:

  • Column B: It tracks the number of times each member contributed to the susu pot.
  • Column C: This column keeps track of the dollar amounts associated with each contribution.

Columns D to O are where you record each participant’s contribution amount.


Columns P and Q serve specific purposes in the spreadsheet:

  1. Column P: This is where you enter the date when each participant is scheduled to collect their turn. In other words, it represents the payout date for each individual.

  2. Column Q: Here, you enter the amount that you give to each participant. It reflects the monetary value associated with each turn.

Other important cells to watch. 

In this cell (B17), you can adjust the frequency. Weekly corresponds to 7, bi-weekly corresponds to 14, and so on.

In this cell (D2), you enter the start date of your susu. The format for the date is MM/DD/YYYY.

This section can help you determine whether you are holding or missing members’ contributions. Here’s how to interpret the pot balance:

  1. Positive Pot Balance: If the pot balance is positive, it means you are holding member cash.
  2. Negative Pot Balance: If the pot balance is negative, it indicates that you are missing some cash.
  3. Zero Pot Balance: When the pot balance is zero, it signifies that you have successfully paid out all the members, and the pot balance is now closed.

The video below showcases the actual spreadsheet.

Whether you’re a seasoned Susu organizer or just starting out, our tool will make your life easier. 

Happy saving! 🌟

Disclaimer: I am not a financial professional, but I have personal experience participating in Susu groups and assisting the bookkeeper.

Frequently asked questions

What is this spreadsheet about?
This spreadsheet helps you manually manage your Susu program.

Who has access to the spreadsheet?
Only you and those you authorize will have access to the spreadsheet.

Is there a recurring fee to use the spreadsheet?
No, it's a one-time purchase. You can use it forever as long as Google Sheets remains free. Just make a copy for each new susu.

Do you provide support services?
Yes, when you purchase the spreadsheet, you receive a 14-day license key. During this period, you can contact me with any questions related to the spreadsheet. However, please be aware that I cannot directly access your specific spreadsheet. 😊

Where can I buy the spreadsheet?
If you’re interested in obtaining a copy of the SUSU-TRACKER Version 1, you have a couple of options: 

Eric Kouassi

Building cool stuff in spreadsheets & web. Your go-to for tech & affiliate marketing tips. Let's connect! #techtips #affiliate #freelance #openforwork

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