Creating Labels in Blogger: A Step-by-Step Guide

If you’re a blogger using, organizing your content with labels is essential. Labels help readers find specific topics easily and enhance the overall user experience. In this tutorial, I’ll walk you through the process of creating and managing labels for your blog posts.

1. Access Your Blogger Dashboard

First, log in to your Blogger Dashboard using your Google account. If you haven’t set up a blog yet, create one by clicking on “Create a blog” and following the prompts.

2. Write a New Post or Edit an Existing One

  • Click on “New Post” to create a new blog post or select an existing post you want to edit.
  • Write your post content, including the title and body.

3. Add Labels to Your Post

In the post editor, follow these steps to add labels:

  • Locate the “Post Settings” Section:
    • On the right-hand side of the post editor, find the “Post Settings” section.
    • Click on the first option called “Labels.”
  • Enter Your Labels:
    • Type in the labels you want to assign to your post.
    • Separate each label with a comma and space (e.g., “travel, tips, photography”).
    • Keep the labels relevant to the post content.
  • Publish Your Post:
    • Once you’ve added your labels, click “Publish” to make your post live.
    • The labels will appear at the bottom of your published post.

4. Using Multiple Labels

  • To assign multiple labels to a post, simply list them together (e.g., “recipe, cooking, food”).
  • Remember that fewer labels are often more effective for the organization.

5. Display Labels in Your Blog’s Sidebar

  • You can create a Labels Widget to display all your labels in the blog’s sidebar.
  • Go to the Layout tab in your Blogger Dashboard.
  • Add a Label Gadget to your sidebar, customize its appearance, and save.

6. Linking to Label Pages

  • Each label creates a separate page with all posts tagged under that label.
  • To link to a specific label page (e.g., all posts with the label “Travel”), follow these steps:
    • Visit a post assigned to that label.
    • Click the label name at the bottom of the post or in the sidebar widget.
    • Copy the link from your browser and use it wherever needed.


By effectively using labels, you’ll improve your blog’s organization and make it easier for readers to explore related content. Experiment with different labels, keep them consistent, and enjoy a well-structured blog!

Remember, labels are like signposts guiding your readers through your content. Happy blogging! 📝🌟

Eric Kouassi

Building cool stuff in spreadsheets & web. Your go-to for tech & affiliate marketing tips. Let's connect! #techtips #affiliate #freelance #openforwork

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