Traditional Meets Digital: Custom Susu Manager Spreadsheet

Your Susu group is unique, so why settle for a one-size-fits-all solution? My Custom Susu Manager Spreadsheet lets you personalize your susu (sou-sou) experience.


  • Flexible Parameters: Adjust contribution amounts, rotation cycles, and more.
  • Automated Calculations: Let the spreadsheet handle the math—no more headaches!
  • Strategic Planning: Make informed decisions using data.

Why Choose the Custom Susu Manager?

  • Adaptability: Customize it to match your group’s preferences.
  • Transparency: Keep everyone informed with clear records.
  • Empowerment: Take control of your Susu journey.

  1. How Susus Work:

    • Members contribute equal amounts of money regularly (weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly) into a pool.
    • The entire pool is then paid to one member according to an agreed-upon schedule.
    • The payment schedule rotates until all members have received their share.
    • There’s usually a treasurer who manages the money and payment schedule.

A credit union in the Gambia: Micro-finance institutions use innovative methods to help rural Africans save and borrow.
Photograph: Panos / Sean Sprague

Get started with the Custom Susu Manager Spreadsheet and keep your Susu group organized!

SUSU-TRACKER-Version 2 Introduction:

This spreadsheet consists of three sheets, sheet 1: Summary; sheet 2: Transactions_Log and sheet 3: Contributions_Tracker. 

Here’s what each sheet and column represents:

The "Summary" sheet

The "Summary" sheet

This document provides an overview of your susu (sou-sou) activities, whether you’re acting as a treasurer, mediator, or bookkeeper. Most of the text in blue within the different cells is autogenerated, except for the following yellow cells:

D8: Enter the start date of the susu.

D9: Specify the expected end date for the susu.

D10: Indicate the amount each participant will contribute periodically.

D11: Enter the lump sum that each member will receive during their turn.

The remaining data should be self-explanatory.

The "Contributions_Tracker" sheet

The "Contributions_Tracker" sheet

This sheet spans from Column A to Column J. 

Here’s what each column represents:
Columns A to C

Participant Data in Columns A to C:

In the spreadsheet, you’ll find the following basic participant information:

Column A: Phone Number
This column contains the phone numbers of the participants.

Column B: Collection Date
Participants specify the date they want to collect their share from the pot. This date represents when they receive their payout.

Column C: Participant Name
The participant names are recorded in this column.
Each name must be unique because it will track their transactions and activities across all spreadsheets.

Columns D to H

Tracking Deposits and Withdrawals in Columns D to H:
In this section of your spreadsheet, columns D to H serve the following purposes:

Column D: Balance
The balance column calculates the net amount for each member.
It subtracts withdrawals from deposits to determine the outstanding balance.
The goal is to reach a zero balance, indicating that all transactions have been settled. 

Columns E and F: Percentage View
These columns provide a percentage view of the Deposits and Withdrawals.

Column G: Deposits
This column automatically tracks the amount deposited by each member.
As participants contribute to the pot, their deposits are recorded here.

Column H: Withdrawals
Similarly, this column automatically tracks the amount withdrawn by each member.
When a participant receives their payout, the withdrawal amount is recorded.

Columns I to J

Tracking Deposits and Withdrawals in Columns I to J:

In this section of the spreadsheet, columns I and J serve the following purpose:

Column I: Deposit Frequency
This column tracks how often each member makes deposits.
It records the number of times a participant contributes money to the SUSU.
Analyzing this data can help you understand the deposit patterns of each member.

Column J: Withdrawal Frequency
Similarly, this column tracks how often each member withdraws money.
It counts the number of times a participant receives their payout.
By examining this data, you can gain insights into withdrawal behavior. 

The "Transactions_Log" sheet

The "Transactions_Log" sheet

Recording Transactions in Columns A to F:

In this sheet, you’ll find columns A to F, where you’ll record essential transaction details:

Columns A and B: Date and Time
Record the date and time of each transaction.
Be precise to ensure accurate tracking.

Column C: Participant Name
Enter the participant’s name.
Make sure it matches exactly with the names in spreadsheet column C of the “Contributions_Tracker” sheet.
Consistency is crucial for proper tracking.

Columns D and E: Amount
Record the transaction amount.
Specify whether it’s a deposit or withdrawal.

Deposit: When a participant contributes money.
Withdrawal: When a participant receives their payout.

Column F: Personal Note (Optional)
You can add a note for your personal reference.
Use this space to jot down any relevant details or reminders.

The video below showcases the actual spreadsheet.

Whether you’re a seasoned Susu organizer or just starting out, our tool will make your life easier. 

Happy saving! 🌟

Disclaimer: I am not a financial professional, but I have personal experience participating in Susu groups and assisting the bookkeeper.

Frequently asked questions

What is this spreadsheet about?
This spreadsheet helps you manually manage your Susu program.

Who has access to the spreadsheet?
Only you and those you authorize will have access to the spreadsheet.

Is there a recurring fee to use the spreadsheet?
No, it's a one-time purchase. You can use it forever as long as Google Sheets remains free. Just make a copy for each new susu.

Do you provide support services?
Yes, when you purchase the spreadsheet, you receive a 14-day license key. During this period, you can contact me with any questions related to the spreadsheet. However, please be aware that I cannot directly access your specific spreadsheet. 😊

Where can I buy the spreadsheet?
If you’re interested in obtaining a copy of the SSUSU-TRACKER-Version 2, you have a couple of options: 

Eric Kouassi

Building cool stuff in spreadsheets & web. Your go-to for tech & affiliate marketing tips. Let's connect! #techtips #affiliate #freelance #openforwork

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