Set up a referral or affiliate program and generate discount codes manually
You've made a copy of the spreadsheet and are wondering what to do next. This blog post will guide you through using it.
The Spreadsheet
The spreadsheet contains three sheets. You can rename them to suit your business if you're comfortable with spreadsheets.
- Areas A, B, and C:
- Area A automatically populates row numbers.
- Area B contains columns where you'll enter your data. Remove the sample data first.
- Area C (column G) generates unique affiliate links. You'll create unique coupon codes for this.
- Areas D and E:
- Enter unique coupon codes for each affiliate in column F.
- Enter your website URL (where the code can be applied) in column G. (Tested with Shopify, Etsy, and Gumroad)
tab tracking_usages
- Columns F, G, and H: These columns are automatically generated.
- Columns D to O (Area H): Enter the number of times each coupon code was used monthly in the corresponding cell.
- Columns P to AA (Area I): The rest of the calculations are automatic.
- This sheet lets you download all data as a CSV file for mass email or API use.
Frequently asked questions
What is this spreadsheet about?
This spreadsheet helps you manually manage your affiliate marketers, promoters, influencers, etc.
Can affiliates track their own unique link?
Yes, each affiliate will have their own unique link to share. However, they'll need to use a third-party link shortener service to see visitor numbers or clicks.
Can I generate reports and send them to each affiliate?
You can download the spreadsheet as a CSV file and import it into your email marketing service (if it supports CSV uploads) to send reports to affiliates.
Who has access to the spreadsheet?
Only you and those you authorize will have access to the spreadsheet.
Is there a recurring fee to use the spreadsheet?
No, it's a one-time purchase. You can use it forever as long as Google Sheets remains free. Just make a copy for each new year.
Do you offer support services?
Yes. Purchasing the spreadsheet gives you a 14-day license key to contact me with any questions about the spreadsheet. However, please note that I cannot access your spreadsheet directly.
Where can I buy the spreadsheet?
The spreadsheet is currently available only on my Gumroad shop website:
Or, you can use the coupon code G-aff15 at checkout for a discount: (thank you for your support!).
How many affiliates can I add?
The spreadsheet can accommodate a small number of affiliates by default, but you can adjust it to fit your needs. Some cells contain formulas that you'll need to drag down to the desired number of rows. For example, the current template is set up for 15 affiliates (rows 1-15).