How to Spot and Avoid Email Scams: Lessons from My Own Journey


In today’s digital landscape, email scams are rampant. Cybercriminals use clever tactics to deceive unsuspecting individuals into revealing sensitive information or falling victim to fraudulent schemes. 

In this blog post, I’ll share a personal encounter—an urgent renewal email for my main domain name—that taught me valuable lessons about phishing attempts. 

Let’s dive in.

The Urgent Renewal Email

Picture this: I open my inbox, and there it is—an email screaming, “Renew Your Domain Name Now!” Panic sets in. The subject line claims I have only three days left before losing my precious domain. 

My heart races. But then, I pause. I’ve been down this road before.

1. Stay Calm

Fear is the scammer’s ally. So, I take a deep breath. Urgency is their weapon, and I won’t let it blindside me.

2. Verify the Sender

I scrutinize the sender’s email address. Is it from my trusted web hosting company—the one I’ve been with for seven years? Or is it a clever mimic? Scammers are chameleons; they’ll impersonate anyone.

3. Avoid Clicking Links

Curiosity tugs at me. But I resist. Hovering over the links reveals their true destinations. I won’t dance with danger.

4. No Data Submission

Never, ever enter sensitive information based on an email request. Legitimate companies won’t ask for your secrets via email.

Real vs. Scam: A Visual Comparison

Now, let’s peek behind the curtain. In the image below:

!Real vs. Scam

  1. Real Email:

    • Familiar sender: my trusted web host.
    • No urgency, no suspicious requests.
    • No payment prompts or data traps.
  2. Scam Emails:

    • Multiple messages, all claiming domain doom.
    • Urgency drips from generic greetings.
    • Links—potential gateways to malware or phishing sites.

Protect Yourself: Tips from My Experience

  1. Trust Your Gut: If it smells fishy, it probably is. Delete suspicious emails pronto.

  2. Know Your Senders: Memorize legit email addresses. Scammers can’t mimic what you know.

  3. Think Before You Click: Hover over links, but don’t leap unless you’re certain.

  4. Spread the Word: Share this wisdom with friends, family, and colleagues. We’re all in this digital jungle together.


Email scams won’t vanish, but armed with awareness, we can outwit scammers. 

Remember: Stop 🛑, Think, and Protect Your Digital Domain

Keywords: email scams, phishing attempts, digital domain, protect yourself, scam emails, legitimate sender, cybersecurity

P.S.: If you want to check out my trusted web hosting company (the one I’ve been with since 2015), 

feel free to use my referral link here:

Happy blogging! 🌐✨

Eric Kouassi

Building cool stuff in spreadsheets & web. Your go-to for tech & affiliate marketing tips. Let's connect! #techtips #affiliate #freelance #openforwork

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