From Parking Frustration to API Creation: My Journey

Finding Parking in NYC: My Inspiration for a Public API

Finding parking in New York City is like winning the lottery. You never know when you'll score a spot, and the rules can feel as mysterious as a cryptic riddle.

One day, I was headed to a polling station and miraculously found a parking spot right away. 

Was it a holiday? Were there special parking rules in place because of Election Day? 

The uncertainty gnawed at me.

The only way to find out definitively involved calling 311 or following the NYC Department of Sanitation on Twitter. 

I thought, "There has to be a better way!"


1. The Parking Puzzle: Alternate Side Parking (ASP)

What Is ASP?

  • Imagine a citywide choreography: cars pirouetting from one side of the street to the other.
  • Alternate Side Parking (ASP) is street cleaning time. Most ASP signs feature a “P” crossed by a broom.
  • When ASP is in effect, parking on the cleaning side is a no-no.

When Does ASP Apply?

  • The schedule varies by neighborhood. Brooklyn Heights has its Tuesday and Friday routine, while Harlem dances on Wednesdays and Thursdays.
  • Miss the memo? Hello, parking ticket!

Holiday Suspensions:

  • On major legal holidays (New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas), parking rules take a vacation.
  • You can stop, stand, and park—except in those seven-day-a-week “No Standing Anytime” zones.
  • Even parking meters join the holiday spirit—they’re suspended too.

Seeking Answers: Staying Informed

Options for Updates:

  • Email Alerts: Subscribe to notifications about suspensions and changes.
  • Twitter: Follow @NYCASP for real-time updates.
  • Dial 311: The hotline for the latest ASP status.

From Frustration to Innovation: Building a Free API

A quick web search revealed there wasn't a publicly available API (application programming interface) for NYC parking regulations. 

But I did find a city calendar that listed alternate side parking (ASP) rules. 

That was my lightbulb moment!

I decided to create a free, open-source API based on this calendar. 

While it requires manual updates whenever the city publishes a new calendar, it offers a valuable starting point.

My API and Beyond Aiding Developers and Drivers

With the API up and running, I also built a simple web app that displays current parking regulations and meter status.

This project is my way of giving back to the NYC driving community. 

If you're a web developer, you can leverage my API to create innovative tools that help drivers navigate the city's parking jungle.

Remember: Always double-check parking regulations with official sources and park at your own risk. 

But hopefully, this API empowers you to find parking in NYC with a little more peace of mind.

Disclaimer: Park Wisely

Use at Your Own Risk

Always consult the official NYC DOT website for accurate information.

Eric Kouassi

Building cool stuff in spreadsheets & web. Your go-to for tech & affiliate marketing tips. Let's connect! #techtips #affiliate #freelance #openforwork

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