Disclosure in Blog Posts: A Comprehensive Guide


As a blogger, maintaining transparency with your readers is essential. 

Whether you’re sharing your own creations, promoting affiliate products, or collaborating with brands, proper disclosures build trust. 

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore different types of disclosures, practical examples, and additional resources for further information.

1. What Is a Disclosure?

disclosure is a statement that clarifies your relationship with the products, services, or brands mentioned in your content. It ensures transparency and helps your audience make informed decisions.

2. Types of Disclosures

Let’s delve into the various types of disclosures you might encounter:

a. Sponsored Posts

  • Scenario: You’re writing about your own product, and a brand compensates you for creating content.
  • Example Disclosure: “This post is sponsored by RandomName Skincare Co. I received compensation for creating this content. However, all opinions about the skincare products are genuinely mine.”
  • Why It Matters: Readers need to know that you received compensation.

b. Affiliate Links

  • Scenario: You include affiliate links in your blog post (e.g., Amazon Associates, Etsy).
  • Example Disclosure: “This post contains affiliate links. If you decide to purchase the skincare product through these links, I may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you.”
  • Why It Matters: Transparency about potential earnings is essential.

c. Promoting Your Own Product

  • Scenario: You’re linking to your own handcrafted jewelry available on Etsy.
  • Example Disclosure: “Disclosure: The beautiful necklaces featured in this post are my own creations, available on Etsy. If you buy one, I’ll receive an income.”
  • Why It Matters: Even if it’s your creation, readers should know about your financial interests.

3. Practical Examples

Let’s see how to incorporate these disclosures into your blog posts:

a. Sponsored Post Example

Suppose you’ve designed a unique handmade mug available on Etsy. You wrote a post titled “The Perfect Morning Mug.” Here’s how to disclose:

“Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Randomname Coffee Co. I received compensation for creating this content. However, all opinions about the mug are genuinely mine.”

b. Affiliate Link Example

Imagine you’re reviewing a popular skincare product. You include an Amazon affiliate link. Your disclosure could be:

“This post contains affiliate links. If you decide to purchase the skincare product through these links, I may earn a small commission.”

c. Promoting Your Own Product Example

You’ve crafted beautiful hand-painted greeting cards. In your blog post, you share their story. Your disclosure might look like this:

“Disclosure: The greeting cards featured in this post are my own creations, available on Etsy. If you buy one, I’ll receive an income.”


Remember, honesty is the best policy. Disclosures protect both you and your readers. So, whether you’re promoting your own product or sharing affiliate links, disclose openly and build trust. 

Happy blogging! 🌟📝

Eric Kouassi

Building cool stuff in spreadsheets & web. Your go-to for tech & affiliate marketing tips. Let's connect! #techtips #affiliate #freelance #openforwork

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