Master Your Earnings Potential: How to Use a Daily Income Goal (DIG) Calculator

A consistent income is a primary concern for many gig economy workers and freelancers.

This post explores how a Daily Income Goal (DIG) calculator can help you optimize your earnings and make informed decisions about your work schedule and strategies.

The calculator we'll discuss also provides valuable insights into how your earnings stack up against your state's minimum wage.

What is a Daily Income Goal (DIG)?

A DIG is a target amount of income you aim to generate each day. Setting a DIG helps you structure your work schedule and track your progress toward your financial goals.

How Can a DIG Calculator Help You?

There are two options available to help you with your DIG calculations:

  1. Free Web App: A general-use web app is a convenient option to explore the core concepts of using a DIG calculator. It allows you to input basic variables and see how adjustments to your work schedule or rates can impact your earnings.
  2. Premium Spreadsheet Tool (Optional Purchase): For a more customized experience, you can purchase a comprehensive spreadsheet tool. This tool offers greater flexibility to account for specific details of your work and income streams.

Here's how both options can help you:

  1. Compare Earnings Strategies: See how much more money you could potentially make by adjusting your work hours or location. For instance, a rideshare driver might use the calculator to see the difference in earnings between driving during peak hours or off-peak hours in different parts of the city. A delivery driver can compare their earnings potential in high-order volume areas versus wider coverage areas. An affiliate marketer can use the calculator to see how much more they could earn by increasing their website traffic or conversion rates.
  2. Optimize Your Work Schedule: By experimenting with different work hours and rates, you can identify the schedule that allows you to reach your DIG most efficiently.
  3. Set Achievable Goals: A realistic DIG can help you stay motivated and focused on your earnings targets.
  4. Grade Your Earnings Potential: The calculator analyzes your earnings against your state's minimum wage and assigns a letter grade (e.g., A, B, C). This provides a quick benchmark for evaluating your income potential relative to the minimum wage standard.
  5. Calculate Surplus or Deficit Percentage: The calculator goes beyond the letter grade to show you a surplus or deficit percentage. This percentage indicates how much your earnings exceed (surplus) or fall below (deficit) the minimum wage for your daily work hours.

Examples: Using a DIG Calculator for Gig Workers

Here are some examples of how different gig workers can use a DIG calculator:

  1. Rideshare Driver: Compare earnings potential during peak hours versus off-peak hours and factor in zone boost rates. See how your earnings grade out compared to minimum wage and calculate your surplus or deficit percentage.
  2. Delivery Driver: See how many deliveries you must complete in a specific timeframe, considering factors like delivery distance and payouts. Analyze your earnings grade and surplus/deficit percentage.
  3. Affiliate Marketer: Compare potential earnings from different traffic sources and explore strategies to improve conversion rates. Evaluate your earnings grade and surplus/deficit percentage. (These examples can be applied to both the free web app and the purchasable spreadsheet tool.)

Using the Premium Spreadsheet Tool (Optional Purchase)

The purchasable spreadsheet tool offers additional features that can help you fine-tune your calculations and gain deeper insights into your earning potential. These features may include:

  1. Ability to factor in specific expenses related to your work (gas, equipment rentals, etc.)
  2. More granular control over setting rates and work hours
  3. Option to customize the calculator for your unique profession

Disclaimer: This blog post provides a general overview of how DIG calculators can be beneficial. The free web app is available for general use.

The purchasable spreadsheet tool is an optional add-on for those who desire a more customized experience.

Basic spreadsheet knowledge is recommended to use the purchasable spreadsheet tool effectively.

Please note that this blog post is for informational purposes only and does not constitute financial or business advice.

You should use your judgment and consult with a qualified professional before making any financial decisions.


A DIG calculator, whether through the free web app or the purchasable spreadsheet tool, is a powerful tool that can empower you to make informed decisions and take control of your earnings. By setting a realistic DIG and using the calculator to explore different strategies, you can optimize your work schedule and reach your financial goals. The additional features of the earnings grading and surplus/deficit calculation can provide valuable insights to help you benchmark your income and identify areas for improvement.

About This Post

This blog post represents a collaborative effort between myself and Copilot. While the initial draft originated from my creative mind, Copilot contributed its expertise to enhance the content for better clarity and understanding. The final edits and revisions, however, were made by me once again. If you happen to notice any grammatical errors or other issues, please don’t hesitate to reach out – your feedback is truly invaluable! 🙌📝

Eric Kouassi

Building cool stuff in spreadsheets & web. Your go-to for tech & affiliate marketing tips. Let's connect! #techtips #affiliate #freelance #openforwork

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