How to Track Attendance in Association or Club Meetings

Streamline Attendance with Our Ready-Made Google Sheets Template: A Step-by-Step Guide

Tired of juggling paper sheets for attendance tracking?

Look no further! Our Google Sheets template offers a dynamic and efficient solution to simplify your process and gain valuable insights.

This guide walks you through utilizing our template to create your own personal attendance tracking system.

1. Purchase and Access the Template:

  • Purchase the Template: To gain access to the full functionality, you'll need to purchase the template. Once purchased, you'll receive a link to the Google Sheets template.
  • Make a Copy: Clicking the link will prompt you to make a copy of the template. This creates your own editable version, ensuring your data remains private.

2. Setting Up Your Tracker:

  • Clean Up the Template: The template includes sample data to illustrate its functionality. Carefully remove this sample data while preserving the formulas (cells containing equations) which automate calculations.
  • No Spreadsheet Experience Required: While basic data entry skills are helpful, you don't need prior spreadsheet experience to use this template effectively.

3. Effortless Attendance Recording:

Member Names:

  • In the first column, list the names of all your community members.

Attendance Marking:

  • Beside each member's name, you'll find separate columns for each month (e.g., January, February).
  • During attendance recording, simply mark "P" for present and "A" for absent in the appropriate monthly column.
  • Manually input the total number of members for each month.

Here is a screenshot of the spreadsheet

4. Enjoy Automatic Calculations:

The true power lies in the built-in formulas within the template. Once you mark attendance, these formulas will automatically calculate various aspects like attendance percentages, saving you valuable time and effort.

5. Real-Time Tracking and Insights:

Monitor Attendance:

  • As the designated person, you can track attendance in real time.
  • The spreadsheet clearly displays who is present or absent, along with their overall attendance percentage.

Get it via my Etsy shop or my Gumroad shop.


By utilizing our ready-made template, you'll have a powerful and efficient attendance management system at your fingertips. This eliminates the need for paper records, saves you time, and provides valuable data to inform your decisions.

Remember to customize the template further to perfectly suit your specific needs.

Happy tracking!

Eric Kouassi

Building cool stuff in spreadsheets & web. Your go-to for tech & affiliate marketing tips. Let's connect! #techtips #affiliate #freelance #openforwork

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