Clean and Friendly URLs with RewriteEngine: A Blogger's Guide

In the world of web development, there's a concept called URL rewriting. It might sound fancy, but it's a powerful tool that can make your blog's URLs cleaner and easier to manage.

This tutorial will guide you through enabling URL rewriting on your Blogger blog hosted on a custom domain (like

Side Note: This guide uses and as examples. Remember to replace these with your actual custom domain name and its version with "www" prefixed throughout the code and explanations!

What are we achieving?

This code snippet will handle two things:

  • Redirecting the root domain: If someone visits or, they'll be automatically redirected to your main blog at This ensures consistency and avoids confusion.
  • Preserving URL structure: If someone visits a specific page on (like, they'll be redirected to the corresponding page on your Blogger blog ( This maintains the structure of your URLs for a seamless user experience.

Before we begin:

  • This guide assumes you have a custom domain set up for your Blogger blog and access to edit your website's configuration files.
  • Basic familiarity with code will be helpful, but no worries, we'll break it down step-by-step.

Let's get started!

  • Locate your .htaccess file: This file controls your website's behavior. It might be hidden, so you might need to enable "Show hidden files" in your file manager. Look for a file named .htaccess in the root directory of your domain.
  • Add the code snippet: Paste the entire code block you provided into the .htaccess file. Make sure you don't accidentally add extra spaces or modify the code itself.
  • Save and upload: Save the changes to your .htaccess file and upload it back to your server.

Explanation of the code:

  • RewriteEngine on: This line enables the URL rewriting engine.
  • RewriteOptions inherit: This line ensures that rewrite rules defined in higher directories (like your hosting provider's configuration) are also considered.
  • RewriteCond: These lines check the website's hostname (HTTP_HOST) to see if it matches (with or without www).
  • RewriteRule: These lines define the rewriting rules. The first rule redirects the root domain (^/$) to your Blogger blog with a permanent (301) redirect. The second rule rewrites any other URL on to the corresponding URL on your Blogger blog, preserving the structure ((.*) captures any part of the URL after the domain).

Testing your changes:

Once you've uploaded the modified .htaccess file, try visiting and in your web browser. You should be automatically redirected to your Blogger blog. You can also try visiting specific pages on to see if they redirect correctly.


  • If you encounter any issues, like broken links or unexpected behavior, check your .htaccess file for any typos or errors. You can also try temporarily disabling the RewriteEngine line to see if it resolves the problem.
  • If you're unsure about making these changes yourself, consider consulting your hosting provider's documentation or seeking help from a web developer.

By implementing this code, you've improved your blog's user experience with cleaner URLs and ensured consistency across your domain. Now your visitors can navigate your blog with ease!

Disclaimer: Modifying your website's configuration files can potentially cause issues. Be sure to back up your .htaccess file before making any changes.

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Eric Kouassi

Building cool stuff in spreadsheets & web. Your go-to for tech & affiliate marketing tips. Let's connect! #techtips #affiliate #freelance #openforwork

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